Pyramido och Haystack till Malfunction

Malfunction bjuder in Pyramido och Haystack, som båda har släppt nytt material, för en mörk och tung kväll!

With Pyramido you won’t get the usual macho, congregating-at-a-sacrificial-altar-doing-bonghits-with-satan-while-worshipping-riffs-and-watching-vintage-biker-flicks-bullshit-shtick that is commonly represented when describing this kind of music. What you will get though is honest, soulful, yet aggressive and crushingly heavy music with strong roots in DIY-culture and lyrics dealing with the struggles of everyday life and a desperate hope for social change.

The brand new album, entitled simply ”Fem”, which is Swedish for the number five, was recorded and mixed during the fall of 2018. Drawing inspiration from the delicate melodic figures of dreamy 90’s indie rock, the folky fuzz of vintage Swedish psychedelia and the bittersweet harmonies of Henrik Berggren and Broder Daniel. Then imagine these influences being suffocated by the impact of the heaviness and aggression that is Pyramido, leaving only about a few percent of them passably breathing. The result being a somewhat heavy-hearted and melodic sludge metal/hardcore attack, once perfectly described as ”…a warm hug rather than a punch in the face.

Haystack was formed 1994 by Ulf Cederlund (Entombed, Disfear, Murder Squad, Alpha Safari, Swarm of Souls) after a North American tour where the band Unsane opened up for Entombed.

Uffe liked what they were doing and formed a three-piece band influenced mainly by Unsane but also other Noise-rock/Fucked-up punk-rock three-piece bands like: Hammerhead (US), NoMeansNo, Steel Pole Bath Tub, Bitch Magnet, Melvins, Dinosaur Jr, Wipers and Dead Moon.

Haystack released two albums under this line-up: “Right at You” on “Outside Society Records” 1996 and “Slave Me” on Threeman Recordings / MFN records in 1998 before the band went in a state of slumber for nearly 20 years.

In 2017 Ulf Cederlund and Jonas Lundberg decided that they were going to start up the band again. Ulf got in touch with Patrik Thorngren who played the bass with Ulf in their band Alpha Safari. They booked a show in Stockholm to get things moving and started working on a new album.

The result is ”The Sacrifice”, nine new songs and one Dead Can Dance cover, recorded and mixed in four days. Haystacks two previous albums “Right at You” and “Slave Me” will also be rereleased in the near future.

Power Noise Rock. No trends. No Bullshit. Anarchy and Hope. Older than Before.

VAD: Malfunction pres. Pyramido (SE) + Haystack (SE) LIVE
NÄR: Fredag 1 november, 19:30, på scen 20:30
VAR: Babel, Spångatan 38, Malmö
FÖRKÖP: 80 kr (inkl. förköpsavg.) på alternativt på Folk & Rock (Skomakargatan 11) & Kulturcentralen (Södra Förstadsg. 18) i Malmö eller HepCat Store (Sankt Lars väg 21) i Lund.
I DÖRREN: 80 kr
ÅLDER: 13 år
SPOTIFY: Pyramido, Haystack

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