230304 : Svaneborg Kardyb (DK) LIVE - Support: Bear Garden (SE)

Danska kommande jazzgiganterna Svaneborg Kardyb kommer äntligen till Malmö och Babel med sin prisvinnande jazz!

Svaneborg Kardyb are Nikolaj Svaneborg – Wurlitzer, Juno, piano and Jonas Kardyb – drums, percussion a multi award winning duo from Denmark, where they won two “grammys” at the Danish Music Awards Jazz 2019: New artist of the year and Composer of the year. Drawing on Danish folk music and Scandinavian jazz influences, including Nils Frahm, Esbjörn Svennson and Jan Johansson’s landmark recording Jazz På Svenska, their music is an exquisite and joyful melding of beautiful melodies, delicate minimalism, catchy grooves, subtle electronica vibes, Nordic atmospheres and organic interplay, all underwritten by the sheer joy of playing together.

“We started in the earliest of mornings over the blackest of coffee, sometimes even without talking, just music. Immediately we felt a connection between our personal style of playing and the compositions emerged like out of nowhere. The vibe from these early sessions is still the backbone of our little band”.

Svaneborg Kardyb hail from Aalborg, in Jutland, in the north of Denmark where they first met in 2013 and discussed the possibility of creating a duo over late night talks. Six years went by as they both explored other projects before they eventually realised the idea of making music together. Like their new label mates, Vega Trails, Svaneborg Kardyb are a duo, a format that gives them a lot of space to occupy – or leave blank.

“We enjoy the simplicity and focus it gives to the interplay. We come from very different musical backgrounds; Nikolaj from Scandinavian jazz, and Jonas from Roots, blues and folk, so the music is a sum of our personal contributions and doesn’t thrive to be anything else than that. It’s quite unique for us to have this shared musical tongue and friendship”.

Martin ”Bear Garden” Wirén föddes i Gällivare i norra Sverige och blev tidigt introducerad till det instrument som skulle komma att bli hans signum, saxofonen.

Bear Garden rör med lätthet mellan pop, jazz och r&b och håller alltid hans saxofon och osvikliga sinne för melodier i fokus

VAD: Svaneborg Kardyb (DK) + Bear Garden (SE) LIVE
NÄR: Lördag 4 mars, dörrar 19:00, på scen 20:00
VAR: Babel, Spångatan 38, Malmö
FÖRKÖP: 230 kr, student 210 kr (+förköpsavg.) på babelmalmo.se/biljetter
I DÖRREN: 255 kr
ÅLDER: 13 år
SPOTIFY: Svaneborg Kardyb

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